“Platinum Quality” Development

At Platinum Egg, we can consistently achieve both blockchain development and game development.
We have the experience and technology to handle all of your blockchain game development needs with the utmost confidence.

Message from the DEO (Decentralized Executive Officer)

Hiding the possibility of high-ranking platinum in gold,
A creative egg that aims to be a company that leads the world.
That is the “Platinum Egg”.

Our company, Platinum Egg, has continued to challenge for 20 years, aiming to become a “platinum egg” that surpasses the golden egg in the game industry. We have continued to take on challenges that meet the needs of the times, such as groundbreaking technology and the development of blockchain games.
I am determined to always go beyond my limits and open up the future boldly. We aim to provide valuable content. Our challenge is not limited to the gaming industry.
We aim to contribute to society by actively incorporating next-generation technologies such as AI and blockchain technology. The content we provide is more than just entertainment, it has the potential to influence society as a whole.
We will continue to do our best to provide exciting and surprising content that lives up to the Platinum Egg name. We appreciate your support and cooperation.

Representative Director Nariya Takemura

Company Info

Company Name :Platinum Egg Inc.
Established :December 16 2002
Capital :10 million JPY
Shareholders :Nariya Takemura (100%)
Annual Sales :450 million JPY
President / DEO :Nariya Takemura
Board of Directors :Nariya Takemura
Takuya Nagami
Kenta Hayashi
Contact :pe-info@platinum-egg.com
Number of Employees:70 (incl subcontractors)
Trading Banks :Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Japan Net Bank
Main Clients :Namco Bandai Games Inc.
Opus Corporation
Incel Corporation
Cygames, Inc.
So-net Entertainment Corporation
and more
Business Description :Blockchain-related entertainment planning and development
NFT market content development/operation
Social app planning and development
Game planning and development for home video game consoles and other platforms
Electronic toy development
Music composition for games


3F Hongo Yumicho Building, 38-4, Hongo 2-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

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2002Platinum Egg Inc. established.
Contracted to develop electronic toys for Benesse
Started development of educational electronic toys for BANDAI
Started development of games for cell phones and home consoles
2008Started development for iPhone
2009Released apps on mixi, Mobage-town, etc.
Started Social Game development
Started app operation as a pioneer development partner of Mobage Open Platform
2010Established GameLore Inc. with GMO Internet, Inc.
Released two titles under the GMO Appli Let’s Do It Project
2011Specialized in creating smartphone games for various platforms
2014Formed a business alliance with NextNinja Inc. Established Ninja Egg Co. Jointly developed large-scale apps such as Grand Summoners.
2016Developed virtual currency entertainment apps with Real Unreal Inc. and Real World Games Inc.
2019Released NFT Blockchain Game, “CryptoDerby”
2020Released Blockchain location-based game, “CrossLink”
2021Released NFT Market “TOKENLINK”
2021Released JPY-pegged Stable Coin JPYA